
Check in / Check out

Check in / check out before or after the estimated time (subject to availability).

Maps & Guides

Local maps and guides are available on our accommodations for your information.

VIP Service

Every visitor is unique. We offer the best accommodation services, depending on your needs.


Book your room directly from our site and you will have the best price guaranteed.

Our goal

Our goal is to offer a lifetime experience and not just a residence.

We will be at your disposal at any questions you have by giving you all the information you need about the accommodation or the area. We will give you our suggestions for nearby getaways that will make your holidays even more special!

9000Happy visitors

Transport and Tours

We can transfer you to and from nearby airports and ports. We can also organize an exclusive guided tour in Athens. Priority in tickets and comprehensive knowledge of Greek history and mythology by official tour guides.

Snow resort

For mountain’s lovers, we can give you the right instructions or contacts for your favourite winter sports. Besides, Kalavrita is 1 hour (60 km) from the Blue Ark Aigeira Flat & Studio. At the mountain in the morning and reconstruction next by the sea in the afternoon.

More more more…

Do you still have something in your mind and you do not know how? Ship or sightseeing tickets? Contact us and we will help you. We can help you make your holidays simpler and more meaningful.